Climb the mountain and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The wind will blow their own freshness into you And the storms their energy while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ~ John Muir
Saturday was Zeta's birthday. He turned 32. His parents came in town. And we went to Yosemite.
Last year for Zeta's birthday celebration, we, a conglomeration of friends from the Green Tortoise and band friends, gathered a Kanziman where we ate, drank and were merry till the sun came up. The night consisted of the typical dibauchery turned up a notch with bellydancers, hookahs and lots of alcohol.
This year Zeta's parents flew in from Virginia Beach.
Saturday morning we all arrive at Zeta's apartment for a Happy Birthday 'Let's Go'...and he's still in the shower. His dad, Alan, sits on the couch with an unlit cigar already in his mouth and his mom, Marie, organizes his fridge while explaining to me her every step. I unsuccessfully attempt to make coffee for the ride.
We finally head out the door after Zeta agreed the coffee was horrible. Donned in scrappy clothes for 'mining' we were headed to our destination; a gold mine outside of Sonora. Marie and Zeta both have a 'thing' for mining...or treasure hunting more like it. Two years ago we went opal mining outside of Winnimucca (the same Winnimucca Johnny Cash sings about)
To our surprise, the mine was less of a running mine and more of a tourist attraction as a guide in overalls and lots of facial hair hands me a $12 pan with gold guaranteed to be in it. Here's a pan, find the gold in it. My gold rush consisted of five small shiny flakes. Luckily there were lots of other pretty rocks to keep me interested.
After a few hours of bending over a wood tub with water running through, we were able to pull Zeta away from his search for riches. Back in the car for the 1 hour...no 2 hour...no 3 hour drive to Yosemite.
As we enter Yosemite, it's slightly raining, cold, with snow covered ground. The air was crisp and seemed to jumpstart my lungs as I could feel every molecule of fresh air within me.
It was now about 5pm. So due to a setting sun somewhere behind the clouds and less desirable driving conditions for Alan, my first experience with Yosemite was meerily a drive by.
Yosemite is best taken introveinously. In the veins. Up. Down. In front of my eyes. ALL OVER was more beauty than this girl could take. A climbers paradise. A photographers inspiration. I fell in Love.
We returned home exhausted. Depleted but happy to have enjoyed living the day experiencing the gift of Yosemite.