Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Atari Method

The woman next me at the counter reacted in a way that made me think I just asked to purchase the world's rarest diamond. But all I said was, "I'd like to buy a camera". A backordered, low supply high demand camera that cost more than the car in my driveway...but none the less...I was there to buy. And the man with the name tag, Edwin, had one to sell. Two actually. But I only needed one.

The camera does not make the photographer, but it can be painful to run a race without a good pair of shoes. I've made the best of my photography with 'old & insufficient' digital cameras. But it's time to get get serious. So serious I got. Battling the debt demons, I've re-instilled the 'Atari Method' back into my life.

Ten years old. Atari was my 'new camera' and the only way I could have it was by earning it. Not by money, but by practicing violin everyday for a month. Just one month! Notes on strings were like atari money in the bank. Might I mention at that point in my violiniage, the notes were not pretty.

I got my Atari. I played my Frogger. And quickly so did my sister and the neighbor... busting it to never be played again. Lesson Complete. The Atari Method lesson was not just about the practice I learned of how to truly earn. But to let go of things.

Thanks for the Atari Method. And thanks for the lessons learned. It's time to make this thing a money maker.