Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Wow. Still trying to get my other blog on wordpress going...but time flies and flies. I do plan on switching to another format very soon to improve the look and ease of posting images. In the meantime, here are few shots to sooth the soul.

This past weekend I joined Zeta at Project One in San Francisco fo
r his first performance with 'Intersection', a group of friends that asked him to play drums. I am always impressed to see him play and can expect to hear a few folks in the crowd say the same. This group is full of talent creating a tribal electronica jam funk sound with a flute. Very entertaining.

On another note and equally as entertaining, this weekend was the premier of Zeta's mohawk created Saturday morning by yours truly. After playing beauty shop, we jumped in the rental and headed to the park for my company's work picnic. I loved showcasing him and his new punk look. We even got a few 'pointers' and picked up some Elmer's glue on the way home to further improve the hawk before showtime. Of course everyone at the show that night loved it including a few cute girls that let him know. Always a good boost of ego.

We then headed to Mountainview on Sunday for a day with The Dead and all the colorful 'Dead Heads'. I would have had it no other way than to be walking through a sea of dreads with pointy pink hawk.

Below are various artist from the night including 'The Genie' on scratch guitar. Eli on the keyboard, Sean on the lights, Willy and Mike on guitars and of course Vic on the flute. As my blogging improves, I hope to be a better journalist in documenting accurate names....but for now...enjoy the light show.